Saturday, July 21, 2012

Stars and stripes challenge

For July the Scrap Our Stash challenge is Stars and Stripes, which for many means 4th of July, freedom and fireworks, but I chose to go literally. :)

You know at 2 you'd think that you could get a few good shots that aren't posed, but these faces seem to be Jayse's favorites when he sees the camera coming.

I love this star paper but hated the idea of covering some of those fun shooting stars, so I cut around them in the areas I needed with my craft knife.
For my stripes I used patterned paper. Why not right? It has all those fun stripes all fixed up nice for you already, so I just cut the section I wanted to use and attached it to my lo.
 Add a little bit of tape, embellies, doodles, ink, name, date and warning to the world and you have a fun little layout ready for the album. :)Ange

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Loving how you worked this star paper! Cute, cute!!

  2. LOVE the burst of stars!! Such a fun page!!

  3. Ah! Both my kids went through this phase :) Your page is all boy and all fun! I like how you tucked the photos behind the stars.

  4. Amazing! You have such a gift! Your lo always look great. I really love the stripes and how you cut out the stars, totally creative. :)

  5. I love all the bright colors and that you used a stars and stripes theme that wasn't red, white and blue. Adorable photos too

  6. love the bright happy colours on your LO!


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