Monday, July 25, 2011


It's Monday! And the good thing about Monday is..... Another Nuts About Sketches sketch!! Here's today's sketch:

And here's what I did with it:

As you can see, instead of using the 5 photos, I've used 3 larger ones. I used my July TSS kit featuring BB's Barefoot & Bliss line (LOVE IT!) and a few stickers I had hanging around my desk. This also goes along with the dt monthly challenge from Anna. I was supposed to use NO cs, distress of some kind, stitch, word/s stickers and chipboard. Some of the flowers are cb, I used my scissors to rough up the edges of my pp, there's no cs, my word stickers are in the upper left and the stitching, BY HAND (yes I whined a little), is in the upper left on the word stickers, lower left on the cs sticker and on the right main photo. I also added some doodling and stickles here and there.

I love these photos and how much fun it was to hang in Hawaii with my sister and hubby! Love that we still get to act like a bunch of kids when we're together. Hope you enjoy! :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I see you

We play a fun game on TSS called LO Tag where you lift the lo of the person before you and in this round we added challenges. My challenge was to use at least 2 different border punches and I lifted Anna Mills' lo. It's an awesome way to keep you scrapping or get you out of a scrappy funk. Just register for the board and come sign up for the next round! Here.

Monday, July 18, 2011

NAS sketch reveal day!

Here's the sketch:

And my lo using the right side of the sketch:

I picked the right side because I like the tag/pocket look at the top. I used 7 photos on this lo and it made for a lot of sky and water blue, so I tried to offset that with more embellies and color in other places. Plus, I added a hand drawn doodle border around the whole lo. I also did the TSS challenge to "jazz" up your ribbon by adding bling to it and this is there July kit!

These are photos of my hubby trying to paddle board in Hawaii. I got there just in time to snap a couple of shots and get one wipeout photo. I put the journaling on the surfboard sticking out of the pocket.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Guest DT spot & a giveaway

I was asked to guest design at Scrap Our Stash this month. They have a Red, White and Blue challenge running. Here's the lo I did for it:

All the details for the layout are on their blog. Go check it out. Here.

Also wanted to let all of you know about the kit giveaway going on at What's Scrapping. They're celebrating their 100th post by giving you a kit!! Go enter to win!! Here.

Monday, July 11, 2011


No, not my kid! No way!!

It's the curse of the 4th kid I think. Aren't all fourths just rotten to the bone? I know my younger brother is, just saying...

This day we were at the ball park, again. And after spending many, many, many games running around keep Jayse out of trouble and not watching my other kids playing, we decided to try and keep him in the stands. As you can see, it did not go well. In these photos Jayse is trying to get away from his grandpa. I think he finally succeeded and we just took turns following him around again.

For this layout, I used this sketch from Nuts About Sketches:

I turned it to the right and made the 5x7 two smaller photos. This paper from Fancy Pants Rough and Tough line has a lot of fun pre-printed things on it, so I didn't have to do a lot of embellishing. I used glitter chipboard Thickers for the title, stickles for the dots, added scraps of paper here and there for extra fun, fussy cut the cloud and bolt below the title and a stapled a couple of Heidi Swapp ghost stars. I also stapled some folded ribbon along the edge, added some of the dots and * from the Thicker sheet and doodled a little myself for fun.

Monday, July 4, 2011

@ the Table

We've got a new sketch for you at Nuts About Sketches. It's a 2 page sketch but I just used the right side and rotated it to fit my pictures. Here's my lo:

Pics are of Jayse sitting at the table on the big chair. He was loving it. And then we did the evil, unspeakable and gave him a Salt & Vinegar chip. :) He was a bit shocked.
I used an old kit from TSS here with mostly GCD studio products. I used a scallop border punch to trace the "bite" marks on the border pieces and then cut them out, inked the bite marks with a black marker and the paper edges with a purply-red color. Added a few embellies, traced around the title to help it pop and we're done. :)
Have a great 4th of July!